Ensuring a Safe Return for Your A/C, Plumbing & Electric
On September 28, Hurricane Ian made landfall on Florida’s Suncoast, bringing a catastrophic level of destruction and devastation to our region. After the storm, many people found themselves facing ravaged roofs, broken fences and downed limbs, and many more went days without power and water.
As we go through the stages of hurricane recovery as a community, it’s important to know that some of the essential components that we depend on in our homes could have been affected by the winds, rains and outages from the storm – even if there is no visual evidence of damage.
Please know, your friends at Badger Bob’s Services are here and ready to support you in the hurricane recovery process. As your trusted pros for all things A/C, plumbing and electric, we have compiled a quick list of what to look for in these home systems to see if you require repairs or need to call in an expert for your safety.
Air-Conditioning Concerns
Damaged Condenser Unit
As you made your way around the property following the storm, you may have noticed physical damage to the condenser unit – the outside component – of your air conditioning system. The inside of the unit may have sustained some damage as well. The strong winds could have possibly knocked the condenser coils and electrical wiring out of place. If your unit is now making a strange sound, it may have serious damage that could bring bigger issues. You should seek the assistance of a professional A/C repair technician.
AC Unit Not Turning On
There are a few possible reasons why your A/C is not turning on after the hurricane. As we mentioned, many residents went without power for some time after the storm. Some of these issues could have been from power surges that impacted the electrical components of your cooling system. Also, when the power returned, the electrical current may have become too heavy for the A/C to handle it. These issues will require professional assistance.
Burning Smell
If you notice a burning smell from your A/C following the storm, turn your system off as soon as possible. The burning is an after effect of the strong winds displacing certain parts within the unit and causing them to malfunction – specifically the HVAC blower.
Plumbing Concerns
Water Heater Malfunction
One of the more common plumbing problems you may experience after a hurricane is water heater malfunction due to flooding. If stormwater leaks into your water heater, it will malfunction and stop heating your water. If your water heater has been submerged in water, you will need to replace the unit before using it again. Using a damaged water heater can lead to fires or cause the heater to explode. The best thing to do if you’re experiencing a plumbing problem with your water heater is to call a professional.
Water Leaks
Perhaps the most common side-effect of hurricanes is leakage from pipes due to prolonged heavy rain and strong winds, both of which can cause stress on your pipes. Check to see if your pipes are leaking. You can do this easily by checking your water meter – if you have one – while no water is running in your home. If the number on your meter goes up, you probably have a leak and should call a professional ASAP.
Slow Toilet Drain
The combination of prolonged heavy rain and storm surges will likely back up your underground sewer lines. In addition, flooding can cause the lines to shift, impeding the lines from draining properly. If your system did back up after the hurricane, call a professional.
Electrical Concerns
Electrical Panel Issues
Your electrical panel is the hub of your electricity in your home, as this is where the circuit breakers are located. If this malfunctions after a storm from a lightning strike or significant surge, it may require a costly repair that needs to be performed by a professional service. You’ll want to be sure that your insurance will provide you with the proper coverage and compensation that you deserve.
Electrical Surges
High winds can cause many power lines to short out or even fall, which can cause electrical surges across many neighborhoods. If other homes in your area have restored their power but yours has not, you may have been affected by an electrical surge. You’ll need to contact an electrician. They will also inspect your home for any damaged wires or fire hazards that may have been created from the power surge.
Electrical Inspections
Following a storm as catastrophic as Hurricane Ian, if you suspect electrical damage has occurred that you cannot see, we recommend an inspection from a trusted, licensed electrician. Many insurance companies also often require electrical inspections to determine the cost of repairs needed to restore the home.
The Badger Bottom Line
Hurricane Ian made a serious impact on the Suncoast, leaving many homeowners uncertain if their homes are safe. Badger Bob’s Services is here to help. If you have any questions or need to schedule A/C, plumbing, appliances or electrical service or inspection for your home, simply visit us at www.badgerbobs.com!